How Long Does It Take to Complete Mammography Technologist School?

Many people find it rewarding to work in a life-saving industry such as medicine. Committing to the grueling ordeal of medical school, however, is not for everyone. Fortunately, there are healthcare careers that require less investment to entry. The mammography technologist program at National Polytechnic College (NPCollege) in Lakewood, CA, can be completed in less than a year if prerequisites are met. Here, we explore the benefits of becoming a mammography technologist.

What Is Mammography?

Mammography is a medical technology used to diagnose conditions that affect the breasts. During a mammogram, the patient’s breast is gently compressed between two parallel plates. This compression allows imaging sensors to reach all the breast tissue. An advanced machine produces a small burst of X-rays that pass through the breast. Denser tissues block or absorb more of the rays, while soft tissues allow the rays to pass through unimpeded.

On the opposite side of the breast, a detector picks up the rays that have passed through. The detector creates an image of the inside of the breast, called a mammogram, which can be used to detect cancer.

Most women begin receiving mammograms when they turn 40. Routine checks are the most reliable way of detecting breast cancer in its early stages. Early detection is crucial. The sooner treatment can begin, the better chance it has of eradicating the cancer. This makes mammography a critical life-saving technology when it comes to cancer treatment.

What Is a Mammography Technologist?

Mammography technologists are medical professionals who perform mammograms. They work in a variety of healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, labs, and research centers, to help physicians provide accurate diagnoses. They handle a variety of day-to-day duties, which include:

  • Maintaining and operating mammogram equipment
  • Explaining mammogram procedures to patients
  • Positioning and stabilizing breasts in the scanning unit
  • Monitoring the video display during the scanning process
  • Adjusting settings to create the clearest image
  • Evaluating images for quality and usefulness
  • Using radiation safety measures to protect patients and staff
  • Complying with government regulations

A mammography technologist is a patient-facing career path, meaning these professionals interact frequently with patients. In some cases, these are routine interactions with a patient receiving their annual test. In others, the patient may have recently received a frightening diagnosis. Technologists sometimes need to reassure stressed or agitated patients. If you have excellent people skills and a love for helping others, this may be the ideal career for you.

Career Outlook and Benefits

Like other radiologic technologists, mammography technologists are in demand. An aging population and upheavals in the healthcare industry have created a nationwide need for knowledgeable professionals capable of operating medical imaging devices. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts a 6% growth in radiologic technologist employment over the next decade. This need translates into excellent pay: $76,020 per year, on average. In California, mammography technologists can earn around $79,416 per year.

Finances aren’t the only reason to choose a new career, however. You also want a job that you will find enjoyable. Fortunately, mammography technologist careers offer many benefits beyond the material:

  • Making connections: Mammography technologists interact closely with patients, often building relationships with those they routinely see.
  • Exciting environments: Healthcare facilities are always active and constantly changing, making them thrilling workplaces for those who enjoy the bustle.
  • Making a difference: Mammograms detect cancer early, often saving lives. Mammography technologists know they make a difference.
  • Easy entry: With only a short training program required before certification, this healthcare career is among the fastest and easiest to enter.

How Long Is Mammography School?

Unlike many other healthcare careers, mammography technologists don’t go to medical school. The process to become one, in fact, takes less than three years. Depending on your previous education, it may take you as few as six months.

The first step to becoming a mammography technologist is to complete high school. Training institutions like NPCollege may also accept a GED certificate. You must also complete an associate’s degree or earn certification as a radiologic technologist. If you have not yet completed this step, it takes between 19 and 23 months to train and earn your certification.

Once you have earned your degree, you may begin your mammography technologist training. The program at NPCollege takes only six months to prepare you for the licensing exam to become qualified to work as a mammography technologist.

Start Mammography Technologist Career Training Today

If you are looking for a career change, consider becoming a mammography technologist. This path offers many of the rewards of a healthcare career, including high pay and benefits, without a lengthy training process. National Polytechnic College offers a mammography technologist training program at our campus in Lakewood, CA. We also offer financial aid for students who qualify and career services that support students in finding careers. Contact us today to learn more about admissions or our mammography technologist school courses.

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